Have you ever thought why people are puzzled at workplace? This is because of heavy workload on them. They actually want to reduce the burden of workload, but everyday Boss assigns new jobs to them. Ultimately people don’t realise where to start and what to finish!

Key to Productivity
The first and foremost key to productivity is organising the tasks in one piece of paper. Prepare a schedule and set them in priorities in consultation with the Boss. Never forget to set the timeline for the task.
Stages of a Task
Task is not over here. It has actually started. You must be knowing that any task has multiple stages from start till its completion. Each stage is actually a pause where you are supposed to take a pause but no ‘Stop’. Most people get stuck in these stages before completing their task.
Adding values to a Task
It is worth noting that you actually don’t add values to your task until you finish the job. This is like passing all semesters exams to get the academic degree in final year. The same is true for assigned Job. It has no value if left unfinished.
Finish what you start: Ultimate Key to Productivity
The ultimate key to improve productivity is ‘finish, what you start’. You have already organised the list of jobs that are to be performed. You only have to pick them one by one. Don’t start any new task until first task is completed.
Group the task in pseudo segments
For simplicity, you may group the task in pseudo segments. Work on each segment and examine what value you have added. One point to remember, value added in one segment must spark succeeding segment to continue the chain.
One final point that is worth noting, do not start any task until you are really willing to finish it. It will ruin your efforts with half hearted approach and you will get nothing with unfinished task.
Barely finishing the task is also not beneficial. You must take a call, analyse the need of the hour and set target. Start with positive attitude in your mind and never let the task unfinished. By imbibing the habit of finishing the task, you are actually easing out the burden of workload and approaching towards enhanced productivity.
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